
Showing posts from February, 2009

Garlic in Ayurveda

Garlic is a wonderful herb used widely as a medicine in Ayurveda, has got basically action on all Vata disorders, is a potent medicine for digestive problems is very hot people with pitta body type and skin diseases should stay away from Garlic. It is an excellent rejuvenator of the whole body. It has an ability to distract the mind towards material pleasures and hence is avoided by people with religious incliination. It has recently become popular due to its ability to reduce cholesterol and also because it is an excellent tonic for our heart.


Curd also known as yoghurt in the western world is one of the most popularly eaten food substances. It is advised as a healthy food by many doctors simply because it contains freindly bacterias or good bacterias, and also because it has a very low cholesterol content. But Ayurveda advises caution about this food substance ! According to Ayurveda it a unique property called अभिश्यंदी which means increasing discharge of all glands in the body resulting in clogging of all channels in the body or a tendency of causing bloackages in the body, this tendency increases manifold when it is eaten at night. Hence Ayurveda has advised not to eat curd at night. There is a common belief that curd is a coolant and hence it is popularly eaten in summer days, but curd has a cooling effect limited to tounge only, when it is digested it increases the body temperature to a great extent, due to this property it called as ushna which means hot.

Ayurveda the nature's own medical science

Health is a matter of concern to all. Health is the basis of everything we desire out of our life, Work, Money, enjoyment or simply chasing a dream, nothing is possible without health. Let me put it other way round, whatever you want to achieve in your life strong foundation of health can make it happen. No body likes to fall ill, but does not know how to avoid falling ill. Ayurveda the nature's own medical science gives us an insight about ourselves, our body and the nature around us, so that we can learn to stay tuned with nature. for more details visit