Let us Win over Psoriasis Psoriasis is a type of skin condition which is very serious. It is a type of auto immune disease where the body‘s immune system misfires and starts attacking the body itself. Despite its serious nature people know very little about it, many of them are suffering from it since a long time still they don’t know that they have a condition called psoriasis! If you have any of these symptoms since few days or for many years Itching Thick patches of Dandruff on scalp Red, silvery patches and scaling all over the body Dryness of skin Peeling of skin over soles and palms Cracking and /or bleeding of skin over soles and palms Cracking / fungal infection on nails Rough skin on elbows and knees You are likely to have Psoriasis! Patients suffering from skin diseases like psoriasis feel social embarrassment, especially if the lesions are on exposed portion of skin, even if they are on covered portions continuous itching, scaling...